It’s Sunday in İstanbul. 01:55 AM to be exact. I just churned an amazing strawberry ice cream. After eight trials, I think I’ve finally nailed it. I’ll go to bed in a few minutes and pray for clear skies. And in about seven hours, right after my first coffee, I’ll start the day with a strawberry ice cream photo shoot for the book. After that, I’ll take another stab at the upside-down cake recipe I’ve been playing around with for almost two months now. If I’m lucky, another two hours of photo shoot will follow. I’ll take a 15-minute lunch break, then pick a recipe from the “crazy ideas list” (the best recipes almost always originate from that list). I have a great idea for the hot chocolate I prepared yesterday. I just have to make it again and see if I’m right. I’ll be sending out a dozen of recipes to the testers on Monday, so I’ll take a final look and get them ready. With whatever time I have left, I’ll plan for the following day, prepare whatever I can in advance and go to bed.
I can do this for a lifetime. I can’t even imagine doing something else, somewhere else. But right now, which is a Saturday in Francisco, there’s nowhere else in the world I’d rather be than the farmers market at the Ferry Plaza.
Here are a few photos I took almost two years ago. And if you’re strolling through the market as I’m publishing this post, I hope you know how good you have it.
I almost started crying when I read your first sentence because just yesterday {or was it the day before} I was in Mississippi longing for Istanbul – and here you are in Istanbul longing for San Francisco and that is such a beautiful feeling. The photos and writing are as always lovely. Enjoy your strawberry ice cream for breakfast and please say hello to Istanbul for me!
I’ve never found myself making ice cream at 2:00 AM, but if I ever suffer insomnia…it sounds like a great idea. I can’t wait for your strawberry ice cream recipe to appear.
As for the Ferry Plaza Farmer’s Market, I still consider it to be my hometown market, even though I now live in Seattle. I still dream about the Central Valley white peaches I bought every Saturday during their short season from Jim the Peach Man.
Today, I was at the Portland Farmer’s Market in the South Park Blocks at PSU. What a bonanza! The last couple of weeks have finally been warm enough in the PNW to bring crops to the pinnacle of ripeness. Bushels of berries, peppers, basil, tomatoes, and luscious peaches….including my favorite whites. I came home with bags and bags full….and I’m not sure how I’ll ever eat it all before it starts to go downhill. I guess I’ll have to give a good bit away, or toss a bunch of stuff from my already overflowing freezer — to make room!
Hm….I’m from Mississippi and am winding up a great weekend in DC; baby’s first trip to the zoo, and beautiful night at Wolf Trap and weather we couldn’t have known to ask for!
Thank you for always inspiring with beautiful photos and intriguing recipes and ideas of those to come.
a book??? i’m so glad!!! it will be wonderful. who’s the publisher?
It does look like a fabulous farmer’s market. Our farmer’s markets are getting better here in Oklahoma, but pale in comparison.
Who’s comparing though?! I’ll just be happy with what I have and hope I can visit Ferry Plaza one day.
India Banks – Thanks! I will.
James K. – Such a nice coincidence. My next post will feature peaches and raspberries. I’ll post it sometime this week. Hope you enjoy.
pateberry – Thank you.
Rose Levy Beranbaum – Thanks a lot for the encouragement! Actually, at the moment the book is scheduled to be published in Turkey (and in Turkish) only. I don’t have a US publisher yet, but will look into that once I’m done with the Turkish version.
Sarah – Hope you visit one day. And if you do, keep in mind that one of my most favorite restaurants in SF (The Slanted Door) is also inside the Ferry Building.
Hallo,since few days I discovered your blog and I wish to congratulate you for your great blog!…and well also for your coming book. This market looks great. Since few months I own a food blog too, it is a great experience, mainly to get feedbacks from people. Visit it if you have time I would appreciate a little feedback from a famous blogger
Ciao, Letizia
Istanbul is beautiful city. Personally I love all kinds of markets, but food markets are my favorite. So if I ever visit Cali, I won’t forget to visit farmer markets at the Ferry Plaza:).
I’m from SF (Berkeley, really) and I’m leaving on Saturday for Senegal/other places for a year. The Ferry Building market is one of my absolute favorite places and I know I’m going to feel just like you do in about a week :'(.
That looks absolutely amazing. Did you take the photographs? They’re so good.
Nice photos ..
different kinds of “Mushrooms” look lovely !
“lavender” bouquets also >> I wounder what are the dishes that we can added to it
What a lovely selection! I wish I had access to this market.
Cenk, I was just at the Ferry Building over the weekend, and even as I local, I continue to be stunned by the bounty.
I hope your book project is still keeping you happy. A US publisher better snatch it up, so your fans here can read it too. I imagine it will be amazing!
Great photographs. Makes me realise how dull and uninspiring my local supermarket is.
harikasınız.sizi tebrik edrim.
The guy in picture 11 competed in Chopped on FoodNetwork. I recognized him by his hat
Reading WITH appetite the posts from Sems in San Francisco and then you pop up shiny as a penny this morning with more news of KANTIN and Semsa’s talents with all she touches………….and I agree, her bread, a treat any way you encounter it. Walking at night in Nisantasi I pass by KANTIN and see the bread maker, a stocky, strong armed, smiling fellow who is kneading and forming each oval loaf, a hefty job!, and I shout into the shop through the space between the glass doors, BRAVO BRAVO !!
Will be to the market in the Ferry Building on Saturday the 17th Nov., and so will think of you and send you the vibe. Cenk, multi bravo, keep to your inspired work with the book AND with your photos!!, we in Indiana are waiting for it too! Janan
sooo the book is scheduled to be published in Turkey :)) just tell me when. I’ll be the first to buy
I met you at the farmers’ market during your visit that day–I have the stall with the vegetable and herb starts, and directed you to The Seed Bank in Petaluma. Did you ever make it there? If not, I might be able to mail some seeds to you…let me know!
Dan Lehrer
Flatland Flower Farm
Dan Lehrer – Thanks for the offer, but I think you’re mistaking me for someone else.
Hello Cenk–I left my post on the wrong blog…although yours is a delight to read. Sorry for the confusion. –Dan
Beautiful. I want to bury my hands in that tray of fenugreek sprouts.
I have found your blog after reading the announcement of your book. All the photographs are magnicifient. I feel as if I am watching a beautiful movie. I believe that you are gifted , you are not a cook but an artist also. I am 65 years old and gratuated from political studies years years ago but if I was young I ‘ll be cook for sure.
Congrulations. I’ll try to follow you when I want to be happy.
Thanks for all your recipes & photos.