Yes, we never get bored of The Mansion. But you know that already. How can you with a sweet creature like this?
The highlight of the day was the peach ice cream from David’s new book The Perfect Scoop. I bought the book almost a month ago and finally got around to trying recipes after weeks of salivating. Numerous blogs have praised it and I am not going to say anything different.
It is the most comprehensive ice-cream+sorbet+granita book ever. There are over 150 recipes. Some of them are the classic unforgettable tastes with David’s touch and some involve pairings that I never would have imagined together in an ice cream. I am also enjoying the anecdotes David included at the beginning of almost every recipe.
Information about ingredients, techniques as well as equipment are very helpful. The recipes are very easy to follow. The only difficult part is which one to choose! Once I entered the supermarket, it was quite obvious for me tough. Season’s largest and ripest peaches were staring at me… On top of David’s recipe, I added a raspberry swirl. I guess now we can call it a Peach Melba ice cream.
I also tried another recipe (gelato this time), ate nearly half of it before freezing and went to heaven. But more on that later…
Ralph was very happy this weekend to see his cousin Bugsy. Even tough they know each other for almost 13 years, they still perform a meeting ritual every time they see each other. It involves standing next to each other in opposite directions and sniffing you know where for hours. Casual growls here and there… and then it’s back to normal.
For afternoon tea, we had homemade sour cherry jam with a selection cheeses and my favorite Turkish baked good: Simit.
Simit is a savory roll with sesame seeds on top. The texture and taste is closest to a bagel. I’ve got to try baking it at home and share the recipe with you…
It is often sold by street vendors who either have a simit trolley or a humongous tray full of simits on their head.
My favourite combination is simit & ayran 🙂 Having read everything you said about the book tempts me to buy it, but I already have two ice cream books (Ben&Jerry’s and the ultimate ice cream book) and did not even get to try more than 4-5 different recipes…
Cenk – You have convinced me that I should (finally) try David’s “Perfect Scoop”, especially since I have changed climates and am in the midst of a lovely Californian summer. I would love to hear about your simit should you get around to making it. There is a thin, flaky Taiwanese green onion bread with sesame seeds served on top that I love, too, and I should see find out if it is easy enough to bake, though I know it is really easy and cheap to purchase. And sour cherry jam? You have been a busy man…
Zeynep Seda – I have those books as well. I must say I was particularly dissappointed with Ben and Jerry’s. The Perfect Scoop is much more comprehensiveö includes recipes I have never seen before, and plus you get to read David’s stories. Also let’s not forget: There is no such thing as too many cookbooks 🙂
Shaun – I will try baking simit once I return from my vacation and post it with my comments. Though I have a strong feeling that it will not taste like the real thing… They are supposed to be baked in huge stone ovens. We shall see.
I have discovered your blog a week ago and I adore it. Thank you so much for creating it.
When I saw this picture with Ralf taking the fruit and acts like nothing happend (well, it is at least my understanding of the picture) I just had to write something about it.
I love dogs and I have a sweet, wonderful dog like Ralph. These two pictures reminds me of why it is impossible to live without these innocent, loving creatures.
PS: I must admit that I am a little jealous of your cooking and photographing abilities and also of the mansion and Ralf… Ok.. Not just a little, A LOT 🙂
Arzu – Thanks for writing. Glad to hear that you liked my blog. And don’t be jelaous, just take a look at my earliest posts. If I can learn how to take photos, anyone can..