Last night I went to sleep hoping that I would wake up to a rainy day. I missed staying at home on a rainy day curled up with a hard disk filled with many episodes of my favorite TV series. Contrary to my heavy Sunday morning sleeping ritual, my eyes opened at 8:30 a.m. The heavy sleeper I am, I think I imagined the sound of wind was in fact the rain I was expecting. My happy soul made me close my eyes and I went to sleep again, thinking what I should cook on this perfect rainy day. When I opened my eyes three hours later, I was craving beet soup.
Strange. After a quick run to the supermarket and an online search for recipes, I decided on a roasted beet soup recipe from Epicurious. I took out a few ingredients, added garlic and adjusted some amounts. Below is the adapted recipe.
The result was exactly what I wished for. A hearty, satisfying soup. Serving with sour cream makes a nice contrast to the sweet-ish flavor of the beet. Unfortunately, it didn’t rain today, but I think I came up with a perfect recipe for the next rainy Sunday.
- 2.5 pounds beets
- 3 medium onions, chopped
- 3 celery stalks, chopped
- 12 garlic cloves
- 5 cups of water
- 2 tbsp butter
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1/2 tsp ground ginger
- 1/2 tsp white pepper
- Preheat oven to 350 F.
- Wrap beets and garlic in foil and roast for an hour (should be tender when pierced with a fork). Transfer the beets and garlic to a plate and let cool. Peel the beets and cut into small cubes.
- In a large pot, melt the butter and olive oil and sautee onions and celery until they begin to brown.
- Add ground ginger, ground white pepper, garlic cloves and beet cubes.
- Add 5 cups of water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and let simmer for half an hour. Let cool.
- Working in batches, puree soup in a blender. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
- Serve with a dollop of sour cream.
Such a good idea. I love beets!
But try this (or a similar one) with roasted red peppers too.. you’l love it.
Cenk merhaba,
Bu tarifteki “celery” bizim bildigimiz kereviz koku mu, yoksa amerikalilarin kereviz sapi mi?
Bu arada corbanin goruntusu harika.
Merhaba Burcu,
Burda kullandığım kereviz Makrocenter’da (Erüst marka galiba) Amerikan Kerevizi diye satılıyor ve evet amerikalıların kereviz sapı. Görüntüyü beğenmene sevindim. Tarifi birgün yaparsan benimle yorumlarını paylaşırsan sevinirim.
the beets are in the oven and it´s 11:04 am here,
I will let you know the result : )
(have only root ginger-fresh one, I hope it works)
Garlic was burned, but my husband liked the taste of it
PS: not a thing to do with a white dress!
Cenk selam,
Corbayi denedim ve acayip begenildi. Senin azicik tatlin yorumundan yola cikarak, ama ayni zamanda rengin parlakliginin kaybolmasindan korkarak, corba tatli olmasin diye, bayagi bir degisiklik yaptim senin tarifte. Ben sonuctab epey memnunum, hele uzerine limon slklnca super oldu. Tekrar tesekkurler tarif icin. Super fikir.
Basak – Sorry to hear that the garlic was burnt. You sure need an apron all through the process. Beet stain is a nasty one.
Burcu – Tarifi beğenmene sevindim. Bir dahaki sefere limon sıkmayı ben de deneyeceğim.
Beetroot is one of my favourite vegetables (have quite a few beet recipes on my blog), but I haven’t tried roasted beetroot soup yet. Thanks for the idea!! do peel the beets before roasting do you not?
parisbreakfasts – I peel them afterwards. Much easier that way, plus they don’t dry out.
how about skipping the oil-butter part, and turn it into a gazpacho? i bet it would still taste as great…
I was wondering if there is any way to just use olive oil, if the butter is necessary.
KK – Not at all, you may use only olive oil instead.