After visiting Denise Acabo’s shop in Paris, I became a whole other person. For instance, I started using a different kind of currency: Caramels! Let me explain further with an example: “Bonjour Monsieur, how much is this beautiful iron tray?” “60 Euros.” “Mon Dieu! That’s like 60 caramels.”
Sure it was beautiful. It even had a hypnotizing effect if you stared for too long, but still… What would you have done? Mountain of caramels from A l’Etoile d’Or or an iron tray? Exactly.
But this doesn’t mean I’ve left the flea market empty-handed. Thanks to my bargaining skills, sharpened during many visits to the Grand Bazaar, I’ve managed to buy an eggbeater that looked like it jumped right out of “The French Chef” – for 8 caramels only.
According to my research, if you’re into flea markets, there are two major ones to see in (or in close approximation of) Paris: Puces de Vanves and Puces St-Ouen de Clignancourt.
Here are some photos from Puces de Vanves.
I collect dog figurines, so the one below caught my eye instantly. Turns out it is a perfume bottle, priced at 75 caramels!
Two dozen caramels + five bittersweet chocolate bars filled with melt-in-your-mouth caramel from Bernachon or a cute dog half filled with perfume? I know, it is no contest.
Here’s my eggbeater. Only 8 caramels.
And here comes the deal of the day! These wooden Tintin figurines started at 15 caramels, the seller went down to 8 after he saw my eyebrow raised in disbelief, and finally down to 4 right after I turned my back and started walking away. It was a good deal, but I was planning on visiting Dehillerin the day after and knew instinctively that I’d need all the space in my luggages I can get.
We initially planned for a full day visit, but had to squeeze both into the same day. I was a bit worried that a few hours wouldn’t be enough, but it only took us 2 hours to finish this one and left us with a lot of time for Marché aux Puces St-Ouen de Clignancourt, which I’ll write about next. Stay tuned.
Puces de Vanves
Avenue Georges Lafenestre, 75014 Paris
Metro: Porte de Vanves
Open Saturdays and Sundays at 07:00.
Merhaba Cenk!
Great post and I’m glad I just checked my blog updates and saw that you posted so I jumped over here!
I LOVE that tray but 60 caramels is a little steep! I think maybe 20 or 25 caramels.. It’s very beautiful, though. I always think that the “point” of a flea market is to buy things for cheap prices, not the other way around! I do know that there are “professional brocantes” where you can find things at a very pretty penny– like the tray in your picture.
Glad you didn’t come out empty-handed and put some of your caramels to use…
Did you go to G. Detou when you were in Paris?? I went the other day and thought of you….. when I saw the Salidou salted caramel sauces!
Leesa – Yes, I’ve been to G. Detou and also bought the Salidou caramel sauce! I’ll share pics at a later post.
There are so many great ways to shop in Paris, but my favorites are the outdoor venues – you never know what you’ll run across!
You’ve probably seen it already but ‘m posting it anyway,
Congratulations, well deserved!
Ena – Yes, I’ve seen! Many thanks!
They sure have some pretty things in their flea market. I’m very attracted to everything vintage. My mom and I used to “faire les brocantes” all the time.
A lot of things are very desirable and vintage looking!
Funny… I saw that Salidou sauce and thought of YOU right away… must be the caramel connecction… CCC- Cenk Caramel Connection
Wow, great pics collection. Love it and I think some of it are vintage.
Thank you for coming !
1 caramel to 1000 caramels
you find your happiness,
On the site of the market four objects are presented each week
They sure have some pretty things in their flea market. I’m very attracted to everything vintage. My mom and I used to “faire les brocantes” all the time.
Love these pics, they really bring the market to life!