It is hot hot hot in İstanbul. Even Ralph had to wear a hat to protect from the sun.
Hot, humid, chilly, rainy, foggy, snowy… we (including Ralph) really don’t mind at The Mansion. As long as we breathe, we eat. Whatever falls (or shall I say starts to fall) on the ground, Ralph grabs it. Then we discuss the latest trends in dieting. Next thing you know, it is tea time. And we eat again. Ralph eats all the crumbs and takes a huge gulp from the pool. Back to the discussion on dieting… until dinner. Ralph is licking the tiles tirelessly…
It is dinner time. Ralph is strategically placed under the person with the highest probability of scattering food on the ground. Dinner starts.
Ralph’s eyes are fixated on each bite. Dinner is over. Ralph is tired.
Typical day at The Mansion.
Ralph looks tired, but healthy! would you please be so kind to tell him that i like his hat and glasses?
i fell in love with his pose in the first shot.
Thank Zeynep. I will let him know. Ralph is such an easy dog to photograph. He stood there with the hat until I took it off. Most of the dogs would have tried to get rid of it the minute you put it on.
Hi Cenk, the summer has finally arrived here in the UK too (thought it’d never come!) – it must be incredibly hot in Istanbul (is it very humid?), hard time for Ralph also (even though he looks cool in the hat and sunglasses!) Speaking of being cool, your new ‘summer version’ of banner looks cool too 🙂
Hi Keiko,
Actually it has been rather chilly the past couple of days, but humidity is definitely on its way. Come July, it will be impossible to step out during noon. Thanks for your comments on the banner 🙂