Heaven forbid; I almost missed out on the chance of participating World Nutella Day 2007 hosted by Ms. Adventures in Italy and At Home in Rome. There is absolutely no time left for baking, photographing and writing about it.
I am way too obsessed with Nutella to let this one slip by, so I quickly whipped up some Nutella art instead: Nutel Lisa.
The original painting is by my favorite artist of all time: Fernando Botero.
I love it!
I think this is how we´re gonna look like if we eat too much!!
I have found really interesting recipes at http://www.nutella.it
Drink,fusions,dolcetti, crepes etc… Didn´t know that.
Thanks CF 🙂
It’s great!!
I’m so hooked on Nutella I don’t even buy it without a specific purpose in mind, or else I have the whole jar in 5 minutes. 😉
I see you have the Pierre Herme chocolate book on the sidebar. Have you tried the Nutella tart from that book? ummmmmm it is the first thing I thought of when I saw your World Nutella Day title.
Hi Caroline,
I baked the Nutella tart from Herme’s book for a friend’s birthday a couple of months ago. Too bad I was not able to take any pictures.. Needless to say, it was delicious.
I have just discovered your website and I must admit this is quite wonderful! You truly have some talent and passion! Bravo! As for the Nutella – “Its a spoonful of Delight that makes Everything Delightly go down!”
I too love it. DId he really paint this? Or is it just a joke? By the way, I am familiar with and very fond of Botero. And I LOVE nutella.
My all time favorite nutella memory. I was visiting my friend Heather in Pittsburgh, before my kids came along. She was a single mom living with her folks-difficult times- her mom had made a pund cake and frosted it with nutella – it was yummy and we were digging in and Heather goes I wonder why they bother with the cake, they should just give everyone their jar and a spoon and we laughed hysterically. I guess not so funny now but then it was. Made me think. Thanks!
.. Just saw the original and got my question answered.
Priceless! 🙂