Inspiration comes in mysterious ways. Who would have thought that dropping a piece of brioche into a jar of Nutella would lead to such a delicious discovery?
OK, maybe it is not the greatest discovery, but chocolate definitely takes the classic brioche recipe to the next level. The level where chocoholics and gluttons like me meet up and stuff our faces with a whole brioche loaf and laugh at people who nibble on celery sticks.
It is pretty much the same recipe from my previous Brioche post. You only use a different baking pan and instead of four large rolls, you tear smaller pieces (13 to be exact) and fill them with chopped bittersweet chocolate.
Half an hour later, you get to eat these golden balls with melted chocolate inside. Perfect recipe if you are still looking for another delicious treat to add to your New Year’s dinner party. The good part is you can prepare the dough way in advance and keep it in the freezer. The day before you bake it, thaw the dough in your refrigerator, take it out the morning of and after shaping, let it rise under room temperature until the balls fill up your baking pan.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to head back to the kitchen to bake a Chocolate and Chestnut Buche de Noel and a Brioche Tart that once made Julia Child cry for the New Year’s Eve dinner party at the Mansion. Photos and recipes soon.
Happy New Year everyone!
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(Türkçe yorum yazdım inşallah bir sakıncası yoktur :))
Wooo, your brioche looks delicious. I can’t wait for the recipe!
x fanny
Wow! What a fabulous idea. I don’t know what people are going on about when they crave something light after the seasonal indulgence, bring on the brioche!
I love that kind of stuff, not too much sweet, exact mixture…
it’s like a chocolate crossiant, but WAY better! screw celery sticks and carrots, bring on the nutella and brioche.
I really try to make an original comment but your photos are always GREAT so… again and again congrats!!!
Happy new year to you too!
I’ve never made Brioche before! hmmm…maybe to try in the new year?
Beautiful photo!
Chocolate Brioche is a great idea. Mmm, and would definitely go well with some Nutella!
Wow that does look beautiful…I think I will start cooking this now.
Chocolate certainly does make everything better, especially brioche, yum!
; Damliya damliya gol olur
Hey Cenk,
WOW! This looks HEAVENLY!! Just now “getting into” bread baking.. something I’ve never really done- until my recent Easter bread project…
I’d love to try this recipe.. In France, we can buy flour that says- brioche… hmmm… I wonder.. I think I will have to try your recipe!
I have made brioche in a similar way. I wrap the dough around a tablespoon or 2 of chocolate-hazelnut spread or 1 tablespoon of grated cheese for my koca. Love it!!
Hello there!
Unsure if you actively check comments, but I’m really interested in making this. I checked out the “My first brioche” recipe, and I’m unsure about how to go about with incorporating the chocolate–
Do you do it before step 9?
Thanks in advance
CV – You divide the dough into 13 little balls (instead of two as mentioned in step 9), flatten slightly, place chocolate in the middle, wrap with dough and pinch & roll to get a smooth ball.