OK. The secret is out. I’m adapting the script for the official Turkish adaptation of THE GOLDEN GIRLS. There. I’ve said it. And somehow, it still doesn’t sound real. If you had a chance to read about my first day in San Francisco, I’m sure you’d understand.
If you haven’t, here’s the jist of it: 1998. I landed at The San Francisco International Airport on a foggy Fall morning and spent my whole day getting lost and eating greasy food, all the while carrying a forty-pound backpack. On the verge of collapse, I saw the neon lights of my motel, hugged the homeless guy who passed out on the street and ran to my room. Ten minutes later, I was lying in bed… almost paralyzed. Then I turned the TV on… and there they were… Four familiar faces gathered around a kitchen table, listening to the story the eldest was telling. I knew these women. Thousands of miles away from friends and family, watching these women comforted me. I forgot about my aching feet & hurting back and slowly fell into sleep.